Altar Servers are members of the church's assembly who assist the priest and/or deacon during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (or in other Liturgical celebrations: such as weddings, baptism, or funerals). Although an altar server may be serving the physical person of the Priest, he is an Altar Server to Jesus Christ, the Supreme High Priest.
Altar Servers are a huge part of the Church's Tradition. and eases the flow and increase the piety of the Liturgical celebration. Since the second century, servers have always had a place in the Eucharistic Celebration (The Holy Mass). They would help prepare for the celebration, assisted at the table and put things back in order afterwards. Just as Jesus sent Peter and John to go ahead of the other Apostles to prepare a place for the Passover meal. "He sent out Peter and John, instructing them, 'Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.'" (Luke 22:8).
Message from Saint John Paul the SecondGod in his great wisdom works to each one as he sees fit. The calling of God happens in different ways for different people. Altar serving use to be a stepping stone towards the priesthood, although this is not entirely the case now, Altar serving is still a great place and time to discern.
Ask yourself:If you do not know how to Altar Server and want to be an Altar Server...not to worry. Let Father know you would like to serve and He will set up a date with your parents for you to rehearse.
The best way to learn to be a good altar servers is to watch the other servers and to always watch the priest.